Saturday, April 10, 2010

Breaking my Heart

As the summer approaches how many of you will be single? 

 Some people like to play house, and get cozy with a "special buddy" during the winter months, but as soon as the weather breaks your phone starts going to voicemail a lil too frequent than once before. Now enter the "I need space" conversation then...... *BOOM* you're back on the market without a hitch, and you now have availabilty to get at all the hot young trim the city has to offer.

Sound familair? Or is this just what I do? lol I kid....but in the spirit of break up season tell us your storys of "dump". Be it you killing some sweet girls dreams, a tale of your ex stomping on your heart, or you sticking it to that airhead bitch you used to date.....sorry I had a flashback. Either way we wanna hear them all. The person who provides the best "break up" story wins a special prize from us!


  1. seeing that the word "trim" was used in this post...I knw who the culprit is!

  2. Ha! You dont know me ; ) but we do try to keep you all guessing

  3. i completely knew from TRIM as well! ftw
    i unfortunately have no scandalous tales of dumping :(
